Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April Rocks!

Time again for Music (and Barley) Appreciation Night at 604!

Saturday night, April 26 is the date... plenty of time to scope some tasty brew, collect some tasty music and put it on your tasty calendar! Since April rocks, let's rock in April! With the possible exception of Death Metal, there's a lot of very good ground to cover since "Moondog" Alan Freed referred to rhythm & blues "race" music as "rock'n'roll" on Cleveland's WJW radio in 1952... coincidentally, the year of my birth. His first band, in the late '30s in Salem, Ohio, was "The Sultans of Swing." I always wondered where Knopfler came up with that name... More at:

So... we shall, as the kids used to say, "Rock On!" in April. Tasty classic rock, hard rock, gospel rock, soft rock, country rock, jazz rock, roots rock... whatever is your preference.

7 pm at 604 Darlington Place in Crieve Hall (directions are below). Go to our blog ( for a sampling of the things we've heard and the beverage we've tasted in months past.

For those of you who have not yet made it over, bring two or three selections, either LP, CD or DVD, of music. MP3 and other iPod-compressed tracks are acceptable, but discouraged, as is disco and, of course, Death Metal. If you have vinyl, bring it. The ReVox tangential tracking table, preamp/receiver and DiscWasher are still in the living room.

As to the Barley, it will be served in the format of a tasting. Bring along your choice(s) of a favorite brew or something you've not yet tasted. Three cans or bottles, or two pints of each beer selection should provide a nice 2-3 oz. sample for each of us. Try to read up on your choices and let us know where, how and why they're brewed, and why you love them. Soft drink, coffee and a variety of teas are available for those so inclined.

See you then!

Harry, and the Inestimable Carol

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