Greetings, friends and lovers of music and brew...
Time for another installment of "Music (and Barley) Appreciation Night at 604." The date is Sunday evening, October 28. The musical mood should be informed by "Autumn Leaves." For those chronically unhip amongst you, that means cool, easy jazz... a nice counter to last month's "HOT!" music. According to iTunes, "Autumn Leaves" has been recorded well over 130 times... probably not as many as "White Christmas," but very likely at least 129 times more than "Who Let The Dogs Out." Since we don't want 15 versions in an evening (although two or three would be cool), listen to a sample on iTunes, at Borders, or otherwise, and let the vibe inform your choice of M&B musical fare.
As to Barley, now is the time for Bocks, Oktoberfests, and other autumnal brews to flourish. Or, as usual, just bring along something you really enjoy, or something that looks interesting that you've not yet tried. Three 12-oz or a couple of pints of each choice serves us all well. Light snacks (breads, cheeses, crackers) or desserts are always appreciated. Soft drinks, tea and coffee are available for Barley-free souls.
We missed a reading or two last month (as newcomer Scott S. pointed out), so do come prepared this month... as he did last.
Let me know who's in, and who's out. And, do bring a spouse, a friend or two, or a significant other. You'll be glad you did.
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